Tuesday 19 February 2013

Comprehensive Change Management & Version Control utility for Peoplesoft

Comprehensive Change Management & Version Control utility for PeopleSoft

We are proud to announce Comprehensive Change Management & Version Control utility for PeopleSoft - CAPI
  • Strong workflow
  • Approvals
  • PeopleSoft Native
  • Change Management
  • Security
  • Best ROI

Please contact us for more details. We will be happy to organize a demo.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Oracle Fusion CRM - Looks very promising

Just attended Fusion CRM product highlights & roadmap for Partners. It is quite amazing on what all Oracle had included in this. There are lot of scope for new things to learn and take to customer. Instead of talking about same 10 things, we have a whole new platter of things available at our disposal. There is lot of focus on UX - User Experience. This will be one strong product. They have done great job

Since this is also offered on cloud, there is a potential chance that SIs will have only fewer things to sell in this space (not much support / implementation contracts).. on the lighter side, with Fusion CRM coming in, I would say Oracle is pushing all SIs in this space into more of an Affiliates who sell the user licenses / seats and walk away.

On premise, we can see more involvement from SIs. Still these are initial days, lot of SIs will have to depend on prior CRM and Oracle knowledge. That can be a wrinkle. What should be done, build core group and COEs, attend various boot-camps and if possible, work alongside with Oracle. That will be the best investment. Oracle might come out with roadmap of upgrading from on-premise CRM solutions (any type) to Fusion CRM.

Flipside to this, is that we will have to re-tool ourselves. It might be for our own good. Mostly all Oracle marquee products will be going this way. They have put lot of thought, spent lot of time to fine this. Hence re-tooling will be most preferred way and getting ourselves ready

UX, is given highest priority. That is inline with priorities of various CxOs around the world. We have reached a stage where we have all the data with us. We can also find easy ways of gathering data. Now comes the visual part. We will have to mix-and-match, massage and make it more presentable. Thats exactly where Oracle is coming from.

Best part of Fusion CRM on Cloud, is that companies will not have to spend millions to buy / integrate / implement / upgrade .. they will have to pay and use (most of the cases i might be less than a week before the system is ready). Need to expand functionality .. customer can get Oracle to addon another module on the fly or with short turn-around. How easy will that be..

Great job Oracle for putting all the acquisitions together..